Have the house of your dreams
it’s not impossible, you just need mortgage advice.

We manage your best mortgage option in Mallorca.

Contact us
+34 607 319 286


Are you thinking about buying a house?

We guarantee to get the best mortgage according to your profile and your needs or those of your family.

We understand how complicated the mortgage process can be without professional advice: getting a fixed mortgage, a variable rate mortgage, a 100% mortgage or even an online mortgage can overwhelm you.

That’s why our team takes care of every detail to ensure the process is easy from the first step to completion and signing the contract before the notary.

Mortgage loans for residents

We take care of all the procedures in the different entities so that you can make the purchase of your home a reality.

We grant the best option among many institutions. We take care of finding the one that best suits what you need and are looking for.

Mortgage loans for non-residents

We are specialists in the mortgage sector and we have the ideal team for immigration and legality procedures.

If you need help with the purchase of your property and with the processing of your documentation, even if you are not a resident in Spain. You find everything in one place.

Do you manage a real estate company? Would you like to increase income?

Let’s work together!

We find the perfect financing so that your client can buy the property you offer.

Andres Moreno
Andrés Moreno

Mortgage manager

13 + 9 =


The access key you want

We make the process easy and accessible.

We are a company dedicated to the evaluation and selection of the mortgage that best suits the profile and wishes of our clients.

We have a long history in mortgage management and we know the real estate sector very closely, with its particularities on the island of Mallorca.

Your dream house exists. We help you get it.

Your mortgage manager in Mallorca

Thinking about having your own home?

We will get the best mortgage for you. Free, no-obligation analysis. We confirm the viability of the operation in 48 hours.

We are a company dedicated to the evaluation and selection of the mortgage that best suits the profile and wishes of our clients. We have a long history in mortgage management and we know the real estate sector very closely, with its particularities on the island of Mallorca.

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